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- Purim Spiel 2018: Saving Mordecai (Rehearsal) (81 photos)
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- Purim Shpiel 2017: Bye Bye Haman (Rehearsal)
- Purim Shpiel 2016: The Queen and I (Rehearsal) (124 photos)
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- Purim Shpiel 2015: Li'l Orphan Esther (Rehearsal) (18 photos)
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- Purim Shpiel 2010: The Megillah – A Thrilla' (14 photos)
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Religious School Blog
From Strength to Strength
05/19/2019 12:00:03 PM
Amy Claver
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01/01/2019 12:03:54 PM
Amy Claver
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Last year around this time, William and I were chatting on our way home from Lehrhaus as we are wont to do. In Lehrhaus we learn from the texts of our tradition, the sage rabbis and scholars who came before us, our engaging teacher, Mr. Rosenberg, and from each...Read more...
Our Future Is Bright
10/14/2018 12:08:38 PM
Amy Claver
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The future of Judaism is secure! We started off the new year strong with William Gorstein being called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah on 6 October. All of us who know William know he is Mr. Personality—thoughtful, funny, generous, kind and always so stylish. It was...Read more...
We Return
09/09/2018 12:16:08 PM
Amy Claver
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It’s the return that’s the hardest. A friend of mine recently came back from a trip to Europe. After being back for four days, he told me he was finally able to sleep through the night and feels more acclimated to the Central time zone again. I have been back and forth to Europe several times and can transition to wherever I go really well. But it’s the return that is hard for me.
Back to School
08/01/2018 12:18:10 PM
Religious School
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It's August, and you know what that means. School is right around the corner! Squeeze in the picnics, the swimming pools, the fishing, camp, camping, and camp outs.
9 August, Israeli dancing at 7:30pm at our synagogue
17 August, Shabbat in the park with us at Devonshire Park next to our...Read more...
Peseach Parsley
03/18/2018 12:24:26 PM
Amy Claver
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We have sprouts! So many that I have transplanted our parsley to a new pot. The lovely planting project during religious school on Tu B’shevat has resulted in parsley sprouts growing for Pesach. They grow a little more every day. I can’t help thinking as I watch them grow, that they are a metaphor for us, who also take weeks to get ready for Pesach. As our sprouts grow, we are growing in soul, hopefully working on what we should address...Read more...
02/20/2018 12:31:00 PM
Religiious School
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Purim is upon us, so that means things are a bit mixed up and not everything is what it seems. So what else is new? I’ve noticed that it’s not just me who has been lamenting these topsy-turvy times in which we live. Are our times really unique or, now that we are the adults, is this just our turn? Both are true.
Every generation before seems to be nostalgic for days past when there seemed to be more patience, predictability,...Read more...
The Days Are Long, The Years Are Short
08/13/2017 12:31:51 PM
Amy Claver
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Ah, the famous saying of parents. Time really does fly. Religious school starts in a month. Public school for my children begins in 10 days. It’s hard to believe that we are already in mid-August. We were talking about this today at the beach with our friends. What, pray tell, do you like about religious school, I asked. Darling Dalia chimed in immediately, I like studying big questions with good friends. I may have prompted the...Read more...
Recognition for Education Director
07/31/2017 12:34:35 PM
Amy Claver
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There are many things I love about Judaism. One of them is the premium Jews place on education. The Talmud states it is a parent’s responsibility to see that children are raised and educated in Judaism. I’ve drawn on a lot of resources to live up to my...Read more...
Fri, January 24 2025
24 Tevet 5785
"Unveiling Death"
Podcast by Rabbi Weill
CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST EPISODE - So, Why A Podcast About Death? My daughter Betsy Weill Interviews Me Again.
Friday, February 7th
7:30 PM
In-Person & Zoom
Shabbat Ruach
with the Shirenu Choir
Will return after the High Holidays
Our Worship Mishpachah
Join EHNTJC's Congregational Choir! We will sing at services and other special events. Led by Cantor Daniel Gale.
Please contact bill@ehnt.org if you are interested in joining.
Join EHNTJC In Supporting Ukraine!
Our Social Action Committee recommends you consider these organizations for your donation: