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Clergy and Professional Staff

Rabbi Jeffrey Weill has been the rabbi of Ezra Habonim, the Niles Township Jewish Congregation since July 2012.  

Prior to entering rabbinical school, Rabbi Weill was an advocacy and community relations specialist for Jewish organizations, including the Jewish United Fund-Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and the American Jewish Committee. In 2001, Rabbi Weill participated in the United Nations' 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa.

Rabbi Weill, a New Jersey native, earned a BA with honors in 1987 from Brandeis University, where he majored in English and American Literature.  He graduated from American University Law School in 1993.

Rabbi Weill received his rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 2007.  Prior to joining EHNTJC, Rabbi Weill served as associate rabbi at Temple Beth-El in Northbrook.

Rabbi Weill is a member of the Chicago Board of Rabbis Executive Committee and of the President’s Council of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

He loves being a rabbi, viewing every element of the rabbinate – teaching, preaching, service-leading, counseling – as opportunities to bring the depth and joy of Judaism to the world.  He is also intent on building upon the congregation’s wonderful past to create its vibrant future. Since joining EHNTJC, membership has experienced strong and steady growth with a stream of both older and younger members, including many families with school age children.

Rabbi Weill’s wife, Julie, is a strategic planning professional for Just Congregations, an initiative of the Union of Reform Judaism.  Their three children – Betsy, Ruthie and Samuel – and their dog – Lucky – keep them busy.  

Rabbi Weill loves reciting poems to his kids, doing handstands, and playing drums. 


Cantor Daniel Gale joined Ezra Habonim, the Niles Township Jewish Congregation in June 2020, coming to us from Midbar Kodesh Temple in Henderson, Nevada where he served as Hazzan and Education/Youth Director.

No stranger to our community, Cantor Gale has mishpachah in Skevanston, a son in Chicago, and grew up in Michigan. He previously served as Hazzan for synagogues in Bay City, MI and Birmingham, AL. Currently, he's a resident of south Evanston.

He holds a Master in Jewish Education from Hebrew College, and a Master of Music in Vocal Performance and Opera from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. He has also studied in the MA program at Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

Cantor Gale has been a member of the Cantors Assembly, the world's largest organization of professional cantors, for over 20 years. He currently serves on the Executive Committee, the Assembly's governing body.

Frequently recognized for his interfaith community activities, Cantor Gale has received numerous awards for his work with anti-hate groups and racial harmony initiatives. He frequently performs and speaks at Jewish celebrations, Holocaust memorial programs, and youth choir events. His secular performances have included the Santa Fe Opera, Lyric Opera of Northern Virginia, Mid-Michigan Opera, Kalamazoo Symphony, and Lansing Symphony.

As a Hazzan, Cantor Gale feels privileged to help others explore their Judaism and discover the depth and beauty of our tradition. He tries to model his calling — and his daily life — on the rabbinic dictum he recites each morning in daily prayer: L'olam y'hei adam — First and foremost, be a mensch.


Jeanette Sigler joined EHNTJC as the Executive Director in July of 2012. She has worked at various Jewish organizations, including JCC Chicago and Lakeside Congregation for Reform Judaism in Highland Park. She is a member of CASA (Chicago Area Synagogue Administrators), CASED (Chicago Association of Synagogue Executive Directors) and NAASE (North American Association of Synagogue Executives). Jeanette also participated in the Kellogg Management Education for Jewish Leaders.

Jeanette has twin boys – Seth and Trevor - and a dog named Lucy.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785