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Men's Club

The EHNTJC Men’s Club is an active affiliate of the Congregation whose purpose is to promote fellowship among its members and to stimulate religious, educational, social and cultural activities among members, the Congregation, and the Jewish community.
In order to accomplish these goals, Men’s Club offers a varied program of events and activities throughout the year, including films and speakers on Jewish topics of interest and concern to the Congregation and the community-at-large.  We provide the speaker and the refreshments prior to the Selichot service each year, and on Sundays, we sponsor Sunday brunch events which feature Jewishly oriented speakers and entertainers.  As a follow-up, we serve a brunch for which the menu was selected and the food prepared by the men themselves.
Although these events are primarily designed for adults, we also provide programs specifically geared for children, especially programs connected with Jewish holidays.  At Purim, Men’s Club provides food service for the Children’s Purim Party and we sponsor the entertainers who perform at the Children’s Hanukah Party.  These events are attended by children whose parents or grandparents are congregants, as well as by children whose families are unaffiliated with a synagogue.  In this way we hope to stimulate a greater interest in things Jewish. 
Men’s Club has recently undertaken two programs of note.  We sponsored a Men’s Club Shabbat Service in which all participants were Men’s Club members.  This was a departure from the Congregation’s  traditional Saturday morning service which always includes male and female participants.  As with our other programs, Men’s Club members planned the menu and prepared the food that was served during the Kiddush lunch that followed the service.
Men’s Club also initiated a program in which yellow Yom HaShoah candles were distributed to every congregant family to keep alive the memory of those we lost in the Holocaust.
Membership and participation in Men’s Club are rewarding in themselves but the appreciation of our Jewish heritage thus fostered is a gain for the Congregation, the community and the Jewish People without measure.  We invite you to come join our ranks. Meetings are held at EHNTJC on the first Monday of each month.

Henry Rosenbaum, President
David Gordon, VP Membership

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785