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- HH 5785 / 2024 Pics
- Magen David Odam Ambulance Dedication Photos (2024)
- Purim Shpiel 2024 - Ghosts of Purim
- Purim Spiel 2022: Shushan Incorporated (26 photos)
- Purim Spiel 2019: Young Esther Stein (12 photos)
- Purim Spiel 2018: Saving Mordecai (Rehearsal) (81 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2017: Bye Bye Haman (189 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2017: Bye Bye Haman (Rehearsal)
- Purim Shpiel 2016: The Queen and I (Rehearsal) (124 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2015: Li'l Orphan Esther (87 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2015: Li'l Orphan Esther (Rehearsal) (18 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2014: PurimTime (70 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2013: The Book of Esther (27 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2012: The Trial of Haman (3 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2011: The Megillah – A Shlock Opera (16 photos)
- Purim Shpiel 2010: The Megillah – A Thrilla' (14 photos)
- Folk and Rock Revue June 2019 (18 photos)
- Sisterhood 2018 Luncheon and Fashion Show (24 photos)
- Sisterhood Ron Balson Author Luncheon (19 photos)
- Sisterhood Chanukah Luncheon (9 photos)
- Kristallnacht 75th Anniversary (13 photos)
- Martin & Henrietta Fox Torah Project (23 photos)
- Sukkah Decorating 2015 (4 photos)
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Rabbi Weill's Weekly Message
A Prayer For Our New Board of Trustees
January 9, 2025
Dear Friends,
During Erev Shabbat services tomorrow evening, EHNTJC’s outgoing Board of Directors will be formally discharged, and the incoming Board of Directors will be installed. Led by President Shelley Sutker-Dermer, the outgoing board has worked tirelessly and selflessly on behalf of our beloved congregation, and we owe them all our gratitude. Incoming President Fran Givertz and the newly installed Board will now be charged with leading the affairs of our congregation to the best of their ability and sustaining the values of our sacred community. May we join together in offering the following prayer on behalf of the incoming Board of Directors:
We ask You, O God, to bestow blessings upon the leaders who have been elected to serve our congregation. Instill in them insight and understanding, perseverance and patience. Inspire them to work together in pursuit of our community’s greatest aspirations, even as they watch over its daily needs. We are thankful, Adonai, for the dedication and giving spirit which bring these men and women before You, prepared to devote their energies to Your service and to the benefit of us all.
We pray You grant success to all their endeavors and help them to lead us in pursuit of our sacred mission. Amen
(Adapted from Mishkan Tefilah)
Cantor Daniel Gale
Learn In Person (or online) With Us!
Torah/Haftarah Weekly Reader with Rabbi Weill (Virtual Only)
Tuesdays @ 5:30 PM
PIRKEI AVOT - Exploring the Wisdom of the Sages with Rabbi Weill Thursdays @ 11:00 AM
Call Office for Zoom links
Click here for our current Bulletin!
Click here for our YouTube Videos!
Wed, February 12 2025
14 Shevat 5785
"Unveiling Death"
Podcast by Rabbi Weill
CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST EPISODE - So, Why A Podcast About Death? My daughter Betsy Weill Interviews Me Again.
Friday, February 7th
7:30 PM
In-Person & Zoom
Shabbat Ruach
with the Shirenu Choir
Will return after the High Holidays
Our Worship Mishpachah
Join EHNTJC's Congregational Choir! We will sing at services and other special events. Led by Cantor Daniel Gale.
Please contact bill@ehnt.org if you are interested in joining.
Join EHNTJC In Supporting Ukraine!
Our Social Action Committee recommends you consider these organizations for your donation: