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Rabbi Weill's Weekly Message

A Holiday Message

October 23, 2024

Dear Friends,

I am so pleased that we at Ezra-Habonim, the Niles Township Jewish Congregation gathered throughout this holiday season. From the first musical notes of Selichot to our deep silent prayers on Yom Kippur to the seventh dance around the sanctuary on Simchat Torah, we were together. It’s been a blessing.

I am also acutely aware that this was the most difficult holiday season in many decades. I do not need to recite the litany of challenges we face. I’ve preached and written about them; we’ve all discussed and read about them. We will continue to do so, of course, for we deeply want the best for our people, desire the best for the Jewish state, and crave
peace for all.

Despite our prayers for peace in 5785, the war with Israel’s sworn enemies continues on several fronts. Even with Israel’s successes, battles rage. Innocent people continue to die horrific deaths. This includes children.

Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav prayed correctly: We were not made for this. He was not referring to us Jews. He was referring to us humans. So what can we do? Let’s pray with him:

May it be Your will,
Holy One, our God, and God of our ancestors,
that you erase war and bloodshed from the world
and in its place draw down
a great and glorious peace
so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation
neither shall they learn war any more.
Rather, may all the inhabitants of the earth
recognize and deeply know
this great truth:
that we have not come into this world
for strife and division
nor for hatred and rage, 
nor provocation and bloodshed.

We have come here only
to encounter You, O God,
Eternally Blessed One.



Rabbi Jeffrey Weill


Highlighting the Kindertransport

Sunday, November 10th at 9:30 a.m.

Kristallnacht, the night of November 9th 1938, German Nazis attacked Jewish men, women and children, synagogues and Jewish owned property. Over 1,000 synagogues burned and 7,500 businesses had windows broken or were ransacked. Over 30,000 Jewish men ages 16-60 were arrested. The violence continued during the day of November 10. In response to Kristallnacht, the English government passed a law that allowed the beginning of the “Kindertransport” bringing children from Germany and Austria to England.

This year our Kristallnacht Commemoration, focusing on the Kindertransport, will be held November 10th beginning at 9:30am with our Sunday morning Shacharit minyan. Following minyan will be a video highlighting the now adult children who were part of the Kindertransport. A light continental breakfast will be served.

There will be no cost for the breakfast. However, if you are planning to attend please RSVP to the synagogue office. 847.675.4141.

Learn In Person (or online) With Us!

Torah/Haftarah Weekly Reader with Rabbi Weill (Virtual Only)

Tuesdays @ 5:30 PM

 PIRKEI AVOT - Exploring the Wisdom of the Sages with Rabbi   Weill Thursdays @ 11:00 AM


Call Office for Zoom links


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Mon, November 4 2024 3 Cheshvan 5785