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The Days Are Long, The Years Are Short

08/13/2017 12:31:51 PM


Amy Claver

Ah, the famous saying of parents. Time really does fly. Religious school starts in a month. Public school for my children begins in 10 days. It’s hard to believe that we are already in mid-August. We were talking about this today at the beach with our friends. What, pray tell, do you like about religious school, I asked. Darling Dalia chimed in immediately, I like studying big questions with good friends. I may have prompted the question, but the answer was all her. And what’s more, all the kids agreed. What kids! What fun! How lucky are we?

We have known our beach friends for twelve years when Oren and Dalia and my son, William were two years old and they were in preschool at Ezra Habonim, the Niles Township Jewish Congregation. They graduated preschool, went on to become b’nai mitzvah, and are now in Lehrhaus, our program for students in grades 8 through 10.

But today we went to the beach. The years may be short, but long summer days like today are definitely made for savoring. Every long minute.

Amy Claver is the chair of the Religious Education committee at Ezra Habonim, the Niles Township Jewish Congregation and the mother of two students.

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