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Values In Action

05/01/2022 03:49:41 PM


Rabbi Weill

Dear Friends,

We often express our values and our opinions about pressing issues of the day through emails and conversations. Some of those exchanges can be aggravating; some are fruitful. But it is certainly fruitful when we express our values through our deeds. We have been doing exactly that in recent weeks at EHNTJC.

On Wednesday, April 20, many of us attended a “Vigil for Ukraine,” sponsored by the Niles Township Clergy Forum. EHNT congregant Joel Levin and I worked hard to make this happen, and it was a significant success. Held at the Skokie Village Green, it featured Representative Jan Schakowsky, the Ukrainian Consul General, Mayor George Van Dusen, many leaders of the Ukrainian community and local clergy. I extend my gratitude to Joel for all the work he put into this event.

In addition, EHNT and Congregation Kehillat Shalom are part of a small synagogue consortium that soon will be assisting a refugee family. I thank Fran Givertz and Paula Harris for their efforts; they put the consortium together and have been working closely with HIAS to take the steps required to welcome and help get “our” family settled into their home and their new country. We do not know where this family will come from, but we can be sure they have been in the midst of a very difficult journey. Welcoming the stranger – the ger – is a paramount mitzvah. Mickey Gordon has created a registry for items this family will need. You may find it at Search for “Mickey Gordon HIAS.”   If you have other questions about this project, contact Fran at 847 677-3616.

Finally, our Social Action Committee, under the leadership of Marsha Brody, encourages congregants to make contributions to organizations that support Ukrainians, both those who have been fled their country and those who remain in that war-ravaged land. There are links to some of those organizations on our home page.  You are also welcome to send a contribution to my discretionary fund; I will forward the entire amount to one of these organizations.

The obligation to assist the needy is hard-baked into our Jewish consciousness and commanded by Torah. Let us continue to do acts of repair for our fractured world.

Kol tuv – all good wishes,

Rabbi Jeffrey Weill

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784