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01/27/2022 05:50:43 PM


Rabbi Weill

Dear Friends,

The United Nations' General Assembly designated January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day; it is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945. 

On this day, the UN urges its members states to honor the memory of the six million and to commit to the complete abolishment of genocide. May it only be so!

We in the Jewish world have our own sacred day of commemoration, Yom Ha'Shoah, which is grouped in springtime -- a season of rebirth -- with Israel's Memorial Day - Yom ha'Zikaron - and Independence Day - Yom ha'Atzma'ut.  We also of course commemorate Kristallnacht, the "spark the ignited the Holocaust," each November 9 and 10. 

We must never forget the heroism of non-Jews who, at great peril, saved Jews during the Shoah. Follow the following link for a truly incredible story of such a woman.


Rabbi Jeffrey Weill

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784